Insights and thoughts on technology and development
The loader is a vital component that a reactive website should have. It keeps the user informed about when something is being processed and when it has completed. Loaders indicate that an action is in progress and then hide once the action completes,...
Real-time applications are known to be complex and require a lot of expertise before bringing them to life. In this article, we're going to take a look at building a real-time collaborative whiteboard with video and live presence functionalities usin...
Understand the power of Tailwind CSS Flexbox with this comprehensive guide. It is designed to help you understand and utilize flex properties for efficient and responsive layouts. In this article, we will dive deep into utility classes, explore flex ...
Introduction Tailwind CSS is a utility-first framework popular among front-end developers with over 64 thousand stars on GitHub and over 4.6 million downloads on NPM. It provides the ability to build highly scalable and customizable components with z...
"The journey of a thousand miles often begins with a single step into the unknown." - Lao Tzu It's been an incredible year today since I joined Hashnode as a Customer Success Engineer (CSE). Little did I know that this role would pave the way for an...
Excited to announce my latest and first AI project - LearnEase. It's a learning platform powered by AI that enables you to effortlessly learn any concept using simple technical language. Demo 📺 How it works 🧑💻 Learn...
I'm excited to share what I and Adeyemo Peter have been working on for a while now- InvoiceEase. What is InvoiceEase? InvoiceEase is an invoicing tool designed to simplify and streamline the invoicing process for freelancers and small businesses. By ...
Debugging is an essential aspect of software development and customer success. It refers to the process of identifying and fixing errors or bugs in software code or systems. Debugging is important for several reasons such as ensuring software quality...
Success is a process… During that journey sometimes there are stones thrown at you, and you convert them into milestones. ~ Sachin Tendulkar My name is Ayodele Samuel Adebayo, also known as Uncle BigBay, and this is a documentation of how I did in t...
Introduction Moralis is a web3 platform that provides a backend service for blockchain projects. They offer the highest numbers of web3 and NFT APIs for authentication, blockchain account information, etc. We'll make use of the Moralis IPFS saveIPFS(...