4 years ago
8 mins readSummary: In this tutorial, you will learn the reason let and const which are ES6 feature came into existence in 2015 after var and when you should use them.
If you are a beginner, there are chances that you have heard of variables numerous times and have used them more than twice already in your javascript exercise.
Today we will be looking into problems var
, let
and const
are solving and how we can use them effectively in our code going forward.
without any further ado,
Variables, in a nutshell, are containers, which can hold something for us, and return the things kept in them whenever they are been called upon.
let us see a variable like a labeled plastic thin container, which we can store our seasonings like salt, milk, sugar, and Maggi in our kitchen for easier access
If a stranger is asked to go and bring a plastic thin labeled Sugar from several plastic thin containers, it will be easier to locate since they are all labeled and that's basically what variables are, nothing more.
what you store (value) in your thin container (variable) and the label (name) you give to it is left to you to decide.
You can put your salt in a milo container and still tell the stranger that the container labeled milo is for salt, and everything will still go well, as far as you and the stranger remember what the container contains.
But definitely, something will go wrong if, for some reason we one day mistook the milo salt container for the real milo or sugar, this is the more reason our variable name must describe the information represented by the variable. A variable name should tell you or anyone specifically in words what the variable stands for.
So what is var, const, and let?
These three keywords are just a way of saying "hey Sam, use the milo thin as a salt container", Sam in this context is the interpreter that tells the browser to allocate or create a new memory address called milo and store salt in it, and that's it.
Their syntax is as follow
// syntax for using var
var miloContainer = "salt";
// syntax for using let
let miloContainer = "salt";
// syntax for using const
const miloContainer = "salt";
Terms in variables:
// Keep a space for me to park my car
This is the process whereby you declare a container for later use, using either var, const, or let, it's just like saying, "Hey Sam, I will be keeping the car keys in that yellowContainer soon".
By that, a declaration has been made, you can also see it as reserving a container for something.
// declaring an empty variable with var
var saltContainer;
// declaring an empty variable with let
let sugarContainer;
// declaring an empty variable with const
const maggiContainer; // something will happen here soon
we are telling the browser to create these variables in its memory location and that we will be sending their values soon, while a container without content is called an empty container, a variable without a value is referred to as a variable with undefined.
undefined is the default value of a declared variable without a value
// I am here with my car, where is my space?
Since variable declaration is the act of keeping space for later use, initialization is the process of assigning or putting a value into the declared variable, which then means our container is not empty anymore.
add the following code to the previous example
// assigning a value to the empty variable declared with var
saltContainer = "salt";
// assigning a value to the empty variable declared with let
sugarContainer = "sugar";
// assigning a value to the empty variable declared with const
maggiContainer = maggi; // this will throw an error when you assign a value to it
Oops, there is an error with the const, don't frick out, explanation ahead
you don't need to always declare and initialize a variable later.
you can declare and initialize a variable at once
// declaration ----- initialization
var saltContainer = "salt";
Now that we have learnt about the common method of variables, let us move ahead and discuss about the generations of variables.
var variableName;
Back when Javascript was first created the only means to declare a variable was with var, this was working pretty well until there was confusion in the way it was designed and used.
What do I mean by this?
We both know to this point that var, const and let is used to create a new variable/container, but the way var was designed, it allows anyone to change the label of our container, even when it is unintentional, imagine someone changing the label of your salt container to sugar before your new cook arrived or the amount you transferred to a client was accidentally deducted by the machine before getting to its destination account. I hope you get the gist.
In a real-world implementation, this is bad and can cause unexpected errors and results.
let's learn by doing, copy the code snippet below and run it
// create a new variable called name and store "Samuel" in it
var name = "Samuel";
// somewhere in our 1120 line of code, forgotten we've used name as a variable
var name ="Your name";
// expected result is Samuel
your console output will be "Your name" even though we expected to see "Samuel", if such happens in a financial application like bank receipt or during a money transaction, somebody might get fired.
in a nutshell var allows us to change the current value of a variable, and it's difficult to debug in some cases.
The main problem with var is what we called re-declaration and re-initialization of variables, it allows us to change the value of a container and also allows us to redeclare existing variable names.
var saltContainer = "salt";
// re-declaring and re-initializing an existing variable
var saltContainer = "sugar";
console.log(saltContainer) // guess the output -sugar
I will actually love to talk about the const before let which is the second generation of Javascript variable in order to have a easier understanding about them.
in one sentence:
const is the opposite of var
Yes, const was designed and implemented in a way to serve as an alternative to var, const does not allow re-declaration and re-initialization of variables.
const saltContainer; // this will throw an error
saltContainer = "salt";
the console.log(saltContainer);
will not even run before javascript yell at us on the console, this is to notify the programmer that; "hey you cannot declare a variable without assigning (=) a value to it"
const sugarContainer = "whiteSugar";
const sugarContainer = "BrownSugar";
the error this will throw is Identifier 'sugarContainer ' has already been declared
with `const
we do not have to bother about changing our application variable values by accident.
I know at this point you might be thinking that since the problem we have with the var
keyword has already been solved by the implementation of the const
keyword, then what is left for the let
keyword to solve 🤷♀️🤷♀️🤷♀️.
let review var
and const
keywords once more, remember that the var
keyword allows us to re-declare and re-initialize our variables, while the const
keyword does not support re-declaration and re-initialization of our application variables, right?.
But in a case where we want to re-initialize a variable value but we do not want to re-declare the variable name?
Either var
or const
keyword is not totally suitable for this case, that is why there was a need for the let keyword
allows re-initialization but does not allow redeclaration
supports changing the value of the container/variable
// declaration
let saltContainer;
// initialization
saltContainer = "salt";
saltContainer = "BlackSalt"
console.log(saltContainer) // output: BlackSalt
does not allow re-declaring an existing variable name
// declaration
let saltContainer;
// re-declaration with initialization
let saltContainer = "salt";
console.log(saltContainer) // output: Identifier 'saltContainer' has already been declared
Hurry and that is it about var, const, and let.
But wait, since I already know why these 3 exists, when should I use them?
My recommendations are:
if you are not planning to change the variable value.let
if you will be changing the value of the variable later.var
at allcomment below, if you will like me to write an article on JavaScript scoping about var
, const
and let
Thanks for reading this far, I hope you have learned one or two things from this article?
If you find this helpful feel free to drop an 👍 on the article. It inspires me to continue improving and make more awesome content.
If you would like to connect with me then come and say hi @unclebay143 as I am always active in communicating with other developers on Twitter.